Launch and support of a telegram channel
Staff SMM-specialists of the Communication Agency have experience in launching and supporting telegram channels. One of the thematic agricultural telegram channels we created, registered in 2018, currently has more than 17 thousand “live” subscribers.
By the end of the year, the channel had reached 1 million views of its publications per month. The average reach of one post is 17 thousand people, which indicates the reader’s interest in the proposed topics. The channel publishes from two to three full-fledged unique longreads on a daily basis (an average of 55-60 publications per month). The topics are both analytical materials and federal news feeds (for example: “China is ready to import Russian agricultural products”) with expert comments, as well as the regional agenda for all regions of the country.
The channel has gained a good reputation among the largest Telegram information platforms: news is regularly re-posted by other large Telegram information platforms. On average, up to 45 shares are received per month.