Study of the social well-being of the population
On the request of the company – the leader of the Russian oil industry – the CA “Glavniy Sovetnik” was tasked with identifying the level of the population’s satisfaction with the life in the regions of the Client’s presence: to get a complete picture of the social well-being of the population and the main problems of life in the regions.
The sociological research was carried out using two methods:
- Quantitative research by the method of questionnaire survey using CAPI tablet computers – identifying the problem field of the region;
- Qualitative research by the method of focus groups – to identify the opinions of respondents about the reasons for the appearance of the problem field in the regions, the impact of this field on the standard of living and the possibility of solving the existing problems.
Based on the results of the study, the Client was provided with a complete analysis of the social well-being of the population in the regions of its presence. The main problem areas of each region and the attitude of the population to these problems are highlighted. Recommendations for the Client have been developed as far as possiblities to influence the problem field of each region in order to increase the loyalty of the population to it.